JCL Help:TJclComplex

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Class Hierarchy



TJclComplex implements various operations with complex numbers.


 public TJclComplex = class(TObject);


TJclComplex is designated to provide complex numbers computations for your applications. It supports both rectangular and polar number representations. All the operations are divided into groups as follows:

  • basic arithmetics;
  • natural logarithmic and exponential functions;
  • trigonometric functions;
  • hyperbolic trigonometric functions;
  • complex Bessel functions;
  • various miscellaneous routines.All the methods could be used in two ways. Firstly you can use the methods with the prefix "C", like CAdd or CLn to perform the operation over the object itself, i.e. after using such methods the value of the object itself will be changed. Using these methods gives you the opportunity to use quite a convenient method of coding the sequential calculations like this: MyComplex.Add(4,3).Mul(2,5).Ln.AsString; The other way is two use the subset of methods with "CNew" prefix. They do the same computations but as the result they create a new object of TComplex type. It might be useful in situations when you'd like to remain your object intact and get the result in a separate object. Please note that such an approach requires a very attentive coding style when you need to destroy every object after every "CNew*" method invocation.






Alexei Koudinov

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