JCL Help:TJclComplex.AsPolarString

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AsPolarString converts the value of the complex number to a string with a pair of complex number's polar coordinates.


 public property AsPolarString: string;


Use AsPolarString property to obtain a string representation of the complex number formatted according to the canonical form of complex numbers in polar coordinates representation. FracLength property is used to determine the precision of float parts of the complex number. For example if your complex number is (5.2345355; -3.599) and FracLength=2 you will get the following string as the result of calling AsString: 5.23-CIS(3.60) Here CIS(theta) = COS(theta) + SIN(theta)*i Also you might use this property to assign the value of a string to the complex number object like this: MyComplex.AsPolarString := '-5.3453-CIS(3.543)' The string provided should represent a complex number in its canonical polar coordinates form like this: r+CIS(theta), where r and theta are either positive or negative or zero floating values. If either r or theta is equal to zero, the corresponding part of the complex number can be omitted.If the object is unable to parse the string provided then an EJclMathError exception will be raised.

See Also

AsString FracLength



Alexei Koudinov

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