JCL Help:TJclComplex.CNewDiv@Float@Float@TComplexKind

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Divides the value of the current complex number object by the value given by DivValue or X and Y parameters and creates a new resulting object of TJclComplex type.


 public function CNewDiv(const DivValue: TJclComplex): TJclComplex; overload;
public function CNewDiv(const X: Float; const Y: Float; const ComplexType: TComplexKind = crRectangular): TJclComplex; overload;


Parameters Description
const DivValue: TJclComplex The complex number that is the denominator for the operation.
const X: Float The real part in the rectangular representation or radius in polar coordinates of the complex number that is the denominator for the operation.
const Y: Float The imaginary part in the rectangular representation or angle in polar coordinates of the complex number that is the denominator for the operation.
const ComplexType: TComplexKind = crRectangular Optional. Defines whether X and Y parameters are stated in rectangular representation or in polar coordinates.

Return Value

Method CNewDiv returns a newly created object of TJclComplex type that contains the value of the division.


Use CNewDiv method to perform a division operation where the current complex number object is a numerator and the value provided through either X and Y or DivValue parameters is a denominator and to create a resulting object of TJclComplex type. The complex number to be divided by could be set either as an object of TJclComplex type or a pair of its values (X;Y).

See Also

CDiv TJclComplex TComplexKind



Earl F. Glynn


The division of the complex numbers is performed according to the following formula: (X1;Y1) / (X2;Y2) = [(X1 *X2+Y1*Y2)/(X22+Y22); (Y1*X2-X1*Y2)/ (X22+Y22)]. For changing the value of the calling object instead of creating a resulting object of TJclComplex type use CDiv method.

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