JCL Help:TJclComplex.Create

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Creates a new TComplex object.


 public constructor Create; overload;
public constructor Create(const X: Float; const Y: Float; const ComplexType: TComplexKind = crRectangular); overload;


Parameters Description
const X: Float The real part in the rectangular representation or radius in polar coordinates.
const Y: Float The imaginary part in the rectangular representation or angle (in grads) in polar coordinates.
const ComplexType: TComplexKind = crRectangular Optional. Represents the type of the complex number to be create.


Call Create to construct a complex number object either equal to (0,0) or filled with the values provided in X and Y parameters.

See Also




Alexei Koudinov


All the calculations with complex numbers are performed with their rectangular representation members, except those that requires polar coordinates instead like exponential functions for instance. The results of the calculations as well as the value of the complex number itself might be obtained in either rectangular or polar representation at any time using AsString or AsPolarString respectively.

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