JVCL Help:TJvID3Controller.Version

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Specifies the version of the tag.


 propertyVersion: TJvID3Version;


Use Version to determine the version of the tag or translate the tag to a specific version. Supported versions are:

  • ID3 tag version 2.2.0 (ive2_2).
  • ID3 tag version 2.3.0 (ive2_3).
  • ID3 tag version 2.4.0 (ive2_4).

Version 2.2.0 is obsolete, and tags should not be written as this version.
You can use the ReadVersionAs property to specify to what version the tag will be translated after the tag has been read. Use the WriteVersionAs property to specify as which version the tag will be written.
Some differences between version 2.3.0 and version 2.4.0 are:

  • Only version 2.4.0 supports UTF-16BE and UTF-8 encoding for frames (See TJvID3Frame.Encoding).
  • Version 2.4.0 tags can include a tag footer. (not implemented by TJvID3Controller).
  • Unsynchronisation is done on frame level in version 2.4.0, instead of on tag level.
  • Some frames are deprecated as of version 2.4.0, others are introduced in version 2.4.0. Bychanging property Version the tag controller automatically translates deprecated frames to newly introduced frames and vice versa. For example, if you change Version from ive2_4 to ive2_3, the tag controller, will remove fiInvolvedPeople2 and fiMusicianCreditList frames, and combine these into a new fiInvolvedPeople frame.

Deprecated frames as of version 2.4.0

TJvID3FrameID Name Implemented By Use instead
fiDate TDAT TJvID3TextFrame fiRecordingTime
fiEqualization EQUA - fiEqualization2
fiInvolvedPeople IPLS TJvID3DoubleListFrame fiInvolvedPeople2, fiMusicianCreditList
fiOrigYear TORY TJvID3NumberFrame fiOrigReleaseTime
fiRecordingDates TRDA TJvID3TextFrame fiRecordingTime
fiSize TSIZ TJvID3NumberFrame -
fiTime TIME TJvID3TextFrame fiRecordingTime
fiVolumeAdj RVAD - fiVolumeAdj2
fiYear TYER TJvID3NumberFrame fiRecordingTime

Frames introduced in version 2.4.0.

TJvID3FrameID Name Implemented By
fiAlbumSortOrder TSOA TJvID3TextFrame
fiAudioSeekPoint ASPI -
fiEncodingTime TDEN TJvID3TimestampFrame
fiEqualization2 EQU2 -
fiInvolvedPeople2 TIPL TJvID3DoubleListFrame
fiMood TMOO TJvID3TextFrame
fiMusicianCreditList TMCL TJvID3DoubleListFrame
fiOrigReleaseTime TDOR TJvID3TimestampFrame
fiPerformerSortOrder TSOP TJvID3TextFrame
fiProducedNotice TPRO TJvID3TextFrame
fiRecordingTime TDRC TJvID3TimestampFrame
fiReleaseTime TDRL TJvID3TimestampFrame
fiSeekFrame SEEK -
fiSetSubTitle TSST TJvID3TextFrame
fiSignature SIGN -
fiTaggingTime TDTG TJvID3TimestampFrame
fiTitleSortOrder TSOT TJvID3TextFrame
fiVolumeAdj2 RVA2 -

See Also

TJvID3Controller.ReadVersionAs, TJvID3Controller.WriteVersionAs


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