JVCL Help:TJvID3TextFrame
JVCL Help: TJvID3TextFrame Class
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Represents a text information frame in a tag.
TJvID3TextFrame = class(TJvID3CustomTextFrame);
The text information frames are the most important frames, containing information like artist, album and more. There may only be one text information frame of its kind in a tag.
Use the Text property to specify the value of the frame, for example: { Sets the value of the Album frame }
withTJvID3TextFrame.FindOrCreate(MyTagController, fiAlbum) do
Encoding := ienUTF_16;
Text := 'The White Album';
There may only be one text information frame of its kind in a tag.
The following frame identifiers are supported by TJvID3TextFrame.
Frame ID, name | Description |
fiAlbum - TALB
The 'Album/Movie/Show title' frame is intended for the title of the recording (or source of sound) from which the audio in the file is taken. |
fiAlbumSortOrder - TSOA
The 'Album sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the album name (fiAlbum) for sorting purposes. E.g. an album named "A Soundtrack" might preferably be sorted as "Soundtrack". (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiBand - TPE2
The 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment' frame is used for additional information about the performers in the recording. |
fiConductor - TPE3
The 'Conductor' frame is used for the name of the conductor. |
fiContentGroup - TIT1
The 'Content group description' frame is used if the sound belongs to a larger category of sounds/music. For example, classical music is often sorted in different musical sections (e.g. "Piano Concerto", "Weather - Hurricane"). |
fiContentType - TCON
fiCopyright - TCOP
The 'Copyright message' frame is intended for the copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself. |
fiDate - TDAT
The 'Date' frame contains the the date for the recording. (Not in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiEncodedBy - TENC
The 'Encoded by' frame contains the name of the person or organization that encoded the audio file. |
fiEncoderSettings - TSSE
The 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding' frame includes the used audio encoder and its settings when the file was encoded. Hardware refers to hardware encoders, not the computer on which a program was run. |
fiFileOwner - TOWN
The 'File owner/licensee' frame contains the name of the owner or licensee of the file and its contents. |
fiFileType - TFLT
The 'File type' frame indicates which type of audio this tag defines. |
The 'ISRC' frame should contain the International Standard Recording Code (12 characters). |
fiInitialKey - TKEY
The 'Initial key' frame contains the musical key in which the sound starts. |
fiMediaType - TMED
The 'Media type' frame describes from which media the sound originated. |
fiMixArtist - TPE4
The 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by' frame contains more information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece. |
fiMood - TMOO
The 'Mood' frame is intended to reflect the mood of the audio with a few keywords, e.g. "Romantic" or "Sad". (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiNetRadioOwner - TRSO
The 'Internet radio station owner' frame contains the name of the owner of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed. |
fiNetRadioStation - TRSN
The 'Internet radio station name' frame contains the name of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed. |
fiOrigAlbum - TOAL
The 'Original album/movie/show title' frame is intended for the title of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. |
fiOrigFileName - TOFN
The 'Original filename' frame contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the filename. |
fiPartInSet - TPOS
The 'Part of a set' frame is a numeric string that describes which part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the source described in the fiAlbum frame is divided into several mediums, e.g. a double CD. The value MAY be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total number of parts in the set. E.g. "1/2". |
fiPerformerSortOrder - TSOP
The 'Performer sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the performer (TPE2) for sorting purposes. (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiProducedNotice - TPRO
The 'Produced notice' frame is intended for the production copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself. (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiPublisher - TPUB
The 'Publisher' frame simply contains the name of the label or publisher. |
fiRecordingDates - TRDA
The 'Recording dates' frame contains the recording dates, E.g. "4th-7th June, 12th June" in combination with the fiYear frame. (Not in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiSetSubTitle - TSST
The 'Set subtitle' frame is intended for the subtitle of the part of a set this track belongs to. (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiSubTitle - TIT3
The 'Subtitle/Description refinement' frame is used for information directly related to the contents title (e.g. "Op. 16" or "Performed live at Wembley"). |
fiTime - TIME
The 'Time' frame contains the time for the recording. (Not in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiTitle - TIT2
The 'Title/Songname/Content description' frame is the actual name of the piece (e.g. "Adagio", "Hurricane Donna"). |
fiTitleSortOrder - TSOT
The 'Title sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the title (TIT2) for sorting purposes. (Only in v2.4.0 tags) |
fiTrackNum - TRCK
The 'Track number/Position in set' frame is a numeric string containing the order number of the audio file on its original recording. This MAY be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total number of tracks/elements on the original recording. E.g. "4/9". |
See Also
TJvID3NumberFrame, TJvID3TimestampFrame
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