JVCL Help:TJvCustomDBTreeView.UpdateTree

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Forces the tree view to be updated following changes to node(s) or the dataset for the data-aware tree view control.




UpdateTree is the method used to force the content in the tree view to be updated following changes to node(s) or the dataset for the data-aware tree view control. UpdateTree is called from the UpdateUnLock method when UpdateLock reaches the value zero (0).
UpdateTree calls CheckDataset to ensure that a valid dataset is available for access values used in building and rendering the tree in the data-aware tree view control.
When UpdateLock has been called previously, or a nested call to UpdateTree has been performed, no additional action is taken in the method.
UpdateTree visits rows in the underlying dataset for the DataSource to ensure that TJvDBTreeNode instances in the Items property match the values present in the dataset. This includes visiting any child nodes and their associated data as represented in Items.
When data is located that does not exist in the Items for the tree structure, the node (or child node) is added using the values indicated by the MasterField, DetailField, and ItemField properties.
Applications do not normally call UpdateTree; it is called automatically in UpdateUnLock and when the dataset performs event notifications for scroll, browse, or data changed events.


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