JVCL Help:TJvCustomDBTreeView

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Specifies the interface for a data-aware tree view control.



 TJvCustomDBTreeView = class(TJvCustomTreeView);


TJvCustomDBTreeView is a TJvCustomTreeView descendant that specifies the interface for a data-aware tree iew control. TJvCustomDBTreeView introduces properties, methods, and events needed to render a tree-structured view using values loaded from a linked data source.
Values rendered in the tree view are provided using the DataSource introduced in the component. The tree structure is derived by using the field names specified in the MasterField and DetailField properties.
MasterField provides a unique identifier for a node in the tree view. ParentField is provided as a simple alias for the MasterField property.
Values in DetailField are used to indicate the relationship to the master (or parent) node.
The content for nodes in Items for the tree view are derived and rendered using the values spec fied in the ItemField, IconField, ImageIndex, and SelectedIdex properties. The contents of the data-aware tree view are updated when the linked DataSource scrolls or when nodes in the tree view are interactively changed using mouse and keyboard events.
Use the Items property to access TJvDBTreeNode instances created in the data-aware tree view component.
Editing is permitted in the tree view when the underlying dataset for the DataSource is not in read-only mode.
TJvCustomDBTreeView also implements support for Drag-and-Drop operations; values in the MasterField and DetailField in the datase are updated to reflect the new parent / child relationship in the tree view following the Drag-and-Drop operation.
Applications should use instances of the TJvDBTreeView descendant class which publishes properties introduced in TJvCustomDBTreeView.






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