JCL Help:TShellLink

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The TShellLink record is used when creating or resolving shortcuts with the ShellLinkCreate , ShellLinkCreateSystem and ShellLinkResolve functions.


 PShellLink = ^TShellLink;
public TShellLink = record
Arguments: string;
ShowCmd: Integer;
WorkingDirectory: string;
IdList: PItemIDList;
Target: string;
Description: string;
IconLocation: string;
IconIndex: Integer;
HotKey: Word;


Members Description
Arguments: string; Command line arguments associated with the shell link
ShowCmd: Integer; The show command (SW_XXX constant)
WorkingDirectory: string; Working directory of the shell link
IdList: PItemIDList; List of item identifiers (pidl's)
Target: string; Target (fully qualified) of the shell link
Description: string; Description of the shell link (also used as a popup hint in shell version 5 and up).
IconLocation: string; Location (fully qualified filename) of the file that contains the icon for this shell link
IconIndex: Integer; Index of the icon in the file specified by IconLocation
HotKey: Word; Hotkey that activates the shell link. Modifiers, such as CTRL, ALT and SHIFT can be assigned as the high byte of the hotkey field (used 1, 2 and 4 for shift, control and alt respectively).


The TShellLink record is used when creating or resolving shortcuts with the ShellLinkCreate , ShellLinkCreateSystem and ShellLinkResolve functions.

See Also

ShellLinkCreate ShellLinkCreateSystem ShellLinkResolve






Marcel van Brakel


To avoid problems you should set the IdList field to nil before using this record. You must call ShellLinkFree when you no longer need the ShellLink record. The shell shortcut functions rely on COM internally and as such you should ensure COM is propertly initialized by calling the Win32 CoInitialize(nil) function before using these functions.

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