JCL Help:TJclTabSet.ToString@SizeInt

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Converts the tab set into its string representation using the specified formatting.


 public function ToString(FormattingOptions: SizeInt): string; overload; reintroduce;


Parameters Description
FormattingOptions: SizeInt the formatting options to use. See TJclTabSet formatting options for the available options.

Return Value

A string representation of this tab set, formatted according to the provided formatting options.


The ToString method returns a string representing this tab set, containing each individual tabulation position and the tab width used beyond those fixed positions.
The FormattingOptions parameter indicates whether and how the tabulation positions are handled and whether the tab width will be in the string.
The resulting string will be composed of the following items:

'0' Outputted only when the tabset is zero-based.
0 or more whitespaces Used to separate the zero-based flag from the tabulation positions; at least one whitespace is used if no opening bracket is used.
'[' Opening bracket for the fixed tabulation positions, outputted when the formatting options specify it.
comma-separated list of tabulation positions The individual fixed tabulation positions of this tab set, outputted when tab stops are not disabled by the options.
']' Closing bracket for the fixed tabulation positions, outputted when the formatting options specify it.
0 or more whitespaces Used to separate the zero-based flag and/or tabulation positions from the tab width.
'+' Outputted to mark the tab width property.
Value of ActualTabWidth The tab width.



This method is nil-safe.

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