JCL Help:TabSetFormattingOptions

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Available formatting options for the TJclTabSet.ToString method.


The TJclTabSet.ToString@Integer method allows for a number of formatting options to be specified. Options can be or'd with each other to specify exact formatting. Below is the list of available formatting options:

Constant Meaning
TabSetFormatting_SurroundStopsWithBrackets The fixed tabulation positions are surrounded with brackets
TabSetFormatting_EmptyBracketsIfNoStops If no fixed tabulation positions are specified, but the TabSetFormatting_SurroundStopsWithBrackets option is specified, output the opening and closing brackets anyway.
TabSetFormatting_NoTabStops Do not output the fixed tabulation positions.
TabSetFormatting_NoTabWidth Do not output the additional tab width.
TabSetFormatting_AutoTabWidth Include tab width even if its determined by the tabulation positions.
TabSetFormatting_AlwaysUseBrackets Combines the TabSetFormatting_SurroundStopsWithBrackets and TabSetFormatting_EmptyBracketsIfNoStops options.
TabSetFormatting_Default Specifies none of the formatting options.
TabSetFormatting_Full Combines the TabSetFormatting_SurroundStopsWithBrackets, TabSetFormatting_EmptyBracketsIfNoStops and TabSetFormatting_AutoTabWidth options.
TabSetFormatting_StopsWithoutBracketsAndTabWidth An alias for the TabSetFormatting_Default option.
TabSetFormatting_StopsOnly An alias for the TabSetFormatting_NoTabWidth option.
TabSetFormatting_TabWidthOnly An alias for the TabSetFormatting_NoTabStops option.


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