JCL Help:MimeDecodePartial@@SizeInt@@Cardinal@Cardinal

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MIME decode a chunk of data in a multi-phase decoding routine.


 function MimeDecodePartial(const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray; InputOffset: SizeInt; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray; OutputOffset: SizeInt; var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): SizeInt; overload;
function MimeDecodePartial(const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray; var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): SizeInt; overload;
function MimeDecodePartial(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer; var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): SizeInt; overload;


Parameters Description
const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray Buffer to decode.
out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray Points to the output buffer.
var ByteBuffer: Cardinal Bytes of buffer from previous call.
var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal Number of bytes to read before ByteBuffer is full.
InputBytesCount Number of bytes to decode.

Return Value

Number of bytes actually written to the OutputBuffer.


MIME decodes a chunk of data in a mutli-phase decoding routine. It is used within MimeDecodeString, MimeDecodeStream, and MimeDecode, but can also be used directly.

See Also






Ralf Junker


On first call ByteBuffer should be 0 (zero) and ByteBufferSpace should be 4. The values returned in these parameters should be used in the next call to MimeDecodePartial or MimeDecodePartialEnd.

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