JCL Help:MimeDecode@@SizeInt@

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The primary Mime decoding routine.


 function MimeDecode(const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray; InputOffset: SizeInt; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray; OutputOffset: SizeInt = 0): SizeInt; overload;
function MimeDecode(const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray): SizeInt; overload;
function MimeDecode(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer): SizeInt; overload;


Parameters Description
const InputBuffer: TDynByteArray Points to the memory block to encode.
out OutputBuffer: TDynByteArray Points to the output buffer.
InputBytesCount Number of bytes to encode.

Return Value

Number of bytes actually written to the OutputBuffer.


MimeDecode is the primary MIME-decoding routine and can also be used directly. CAUTION: OutputBuffer must have enough memory allocated to take all output. MimeDecodedSize(InputBytesCount) calculates this amount in bytes. There is no guarantee that all output will be filled after decoding. MimeDecode therefore returns the actual number of bytes written to OutputBuffer. Preallocating all memory at once (as is required by MimeDecode) avoids the time-consuming process of reallocation. After calling MimeDecode, simply cut the allocated memory down to OutputBytesCount, i.e. SetLength(OutString, OutputBytesCount).

See Also

MimeDecodedSize MimeEncode





Ralf Junker

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