JCL Help:CountBitsCleared@Byte

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Returns the number of cleared bits in the supplied value.


 function CountBitsCleared(X: Byte): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Shortint): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Smallint): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Word): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Integer): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Cardinal): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(X: Int64): Integer; overload;
function CountBitsCleared(P: Pointer; Count: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;


Parameters Description
X: Byte The value for which to determine the number of bits that are cleared. This can be an Integer, Cardinal, Byte, Word or Int64.

Return Value

The number of cleared bits or 0 if no bits are cleared.


CountBitsCleared returns the number of bits that are cleared (value 0) in the binary representation of the supplied Value. Note that signed integers are stored in two's complement form and therefore, for example, CountBitsCleared(Integer(-1)) will return 0!

See Also

BitsLowest BitsHighest





Robert Marquardt

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