JCL Help:BitsHighest@Byte

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Returns the highest bit set in the supplied value.


 function BitsHighest(X: Byte): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: ShortInt): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: SmallInt): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: Word): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: Integer): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: Cardinal): Integer; overload;
function BitsHighest(X: Int64): Integer; overload;


Parameters Description
X: Byte The value for which to return the highest set bit.

Return Value

The index of the highest bit set, or -1 if no bits are set.


BitsHighest returns the index of the highest bit which is set in the supplied value. Note that bits are numbered right to left starting with 0. For example, BitsHighest(5) returns 2 (5 equals 00000101 in binary).

See Also

BitsLowest CountBitsSet





Michael Schnell

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