JVCL Help:TJvTrayIcon.BalloonHint
JVCL Help: TJvTrayIcon.BalloonHint Method
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Displays a balloon ToolTip.
procedureBalloonHint(Title: string; Value: string; BalloonType: TBalloonType = btNone; ADelay: Cardinal = 5000; CancelPrevious: Boolean = False);
Parameters | Description |
Title: string | Contains a title for the balloon ToolTip. This title appears in boldface above the text. It can have a maximum of 63 characters. |
Value: string | Contains the text for the balloon ToolTip. It can have a maximum of 255 characters. The text can be either single-line or multiline. |
BalloonType: TBalloonType = btNone | Flags that can be set to add an icon to the balloon ToolTip. It is placed to the left of the title. If Title is an empty string, the icon is not shown. |
ADelay: Cardinal = 5000 | The timeout value, in milliseconds, for a balloon ToolTip. The system enforces minimum and maximum timeout values. Delay values that are too large are set to the maximum value and values that are too small default to the minimum value. The system minimum and maximum timeout values are currently set at 10 seconds and 30 seconds, respectively. |
CancelPrevious: Boolean = False | Specifies whether to cancel the previous balloon. |
Call BalloonHint to display a cartoon-style "balloon" with a stem pointing to the icon in the taskbar notification area. Call AcceptBalloons to determine if the system supports balloon ToolTips.
No more than one balloon ToolTip at a time is displayed for the taskbar. If an application attempts to display a ToolTip when one is already being displayed, the ToolTip will not appear until the existing balloon ToolTip has been visible for at least the system minimum timeout value. For example, a balloon ToolTip with Delay set to 30 seconds has been visible for seven seconds when another application attempts to display a balloon ToolTip. If the system minimum timeout is ten seconds, the first ToolTip displays for an additional three seconds before being replaced by the second ToolTip. You can override this behavior by setting parameter CancelPrevious to true, which will cancel the currently visible - if any - balloon.
The ToolTip will disappear when clicked, but you can also specify a time-out value. Use the OnBalloonClick, OnBalloonHide and OnBalloonShow events to take specific actions when the balloon ToolTip is clicked, disappeared or is shown, respectively.
See Also
TJvTrayIcon.AcceptBalloons, TJvTrayIcon.HideBalloon, TJvTrayIcon.OnBalloonClick, TJvTrayIcon.OnBalloonHide, TJvTrayIcon.OnBalloonShow
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