JVCL Help:TJvTransparentButtonImages.ActiveImage

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Specifies the imagelist to get the active image from.


 propertyActiveImage: TCustomImageList;


Use ActiveImage to specify the imagelist to extract the active image from. This is the only imagelist you need to set to be able to display an image in the button. If none of the other imagelists are set, the other three images are created automatically.

See Also

TJvTransparentButtonImages.ActiveIndex, TJvTransparentButtonImages.DisabledImage, TJvTransparentButtonImages.DisabledIndex, TJvTransparentButtonImages.DownImage, TJvTransparentButtonImages.DownIndex, TJvTransparentButtonImages.GrayImage, TJvTransparentButtonImages.GrayIndex, TJvTransparentButton.InternalList



The button has four different imagelist properties you can assign to but they can all point to the same imagelist. The button also has four different image index properties to mat h the imagelists but these can also be set to the same value. Internally, the button creates a read-only imagelist (InternalList) that contains the selected images or the auto created images for the three other states (down, disabled, gray).

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