JVCL Help:TJvTranslator.Translate@string@string

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Translates a string using the currently loaded XML.


 functionTranslate(constCategory: string; constItem: string): string; overload;


Parameters Description
const Category: string The name of the Category of the translation to use. The value of this parameter is checked against the names of the direct sub nodes of the root node in the XML.
const Item: string The name of the Item of the translation to use. The value of this parameter is checked against the names of the subnodes.

Return Value

Returns the value of the Item node or, if not found, the value of a property of Item named "Value" or an empty string if the node was not found.


Searches the currently loaded XML for a node matching the names as defined by Category and Item and returns the found value.
If Category = "Variables" and Item = "Item", the XML would have to look like the following for this method to find a match: <Translation>

 </Translation> This would return the string "XXX". Alternatively, the XML could look like this:   <Translation>
     <Item Value="YYYY" />
 </Translation> This would return the string "YYY". if more than one node has the same name, the first one found is the one used.


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