JVCL Help:TJvTipOfDay.OnAfterExecute
JVCL Help: TJvTipOfDay.OnAfterExecute Property
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Occurs after the dialog is closed.
propertyOnAfterExecute: TNotifyEvent;
Write an OnAfterExecute handler to store the value that determines whether the dialog must be shown the next time the application starts up.
A user can uncheck the checkbox on the dialog to indicate that the dialog must not be shown the next time the application starts up. The dialog can use a storage component to store this value, but applications can provide a custom method to store this value.
The flag toShowOnStartUp in Options indicates whether the checkbox was checked or unchecked, when the user closed the dialog. If toShowOnStartUp is included in Options then the checkbox was checked, otherwise it was unchecked.
Use an OnCanShow event handler to retrieve the stored value and to determine whether the dialog can be shown.
See Also
Execute, TJvTipOfDay.OnCanShow, TJvTipOfDay.Options
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