JVCL Help:TJvTFScheduleManager.RequestSchedule@TJvTFComponent@string@TDate

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Finds a schedule object.


 functionRequestSchedule(ApptCtrl: TJvTFControl; constSchedName: string; SchedDate: TDate): TJvTFSched; overload;
functionRequestSchedule(ApptCtrl: TJvTFControl; constSchedName: string; SchedDate: TDate; varLoadedNow: Boolean): TJvTFSched; overload;
functionRequestSchedule(Comp: TJvTFComponent; constSchedName: string; SchedDate: TDate): TJvTFSched; overload;
functionRequestSchedule(Comp: TJvTFComponent; constSchedName: string; SchedDate: TDate; varLoadedNow: Boolean): TJvTFSched; overload;


Parameters Description
ApptCtrl: TJvTFControl The control requesting the schedule.
const SchedName: string Name of the schedule.
SchedDate: TDate Date of the schedule.
var LoadedNow: Boolean False if the schedule was already in memory.
Comp: TJvTFComponent The component requesting the schedule.

Return Value

The requested schedule object.


The RequestSchedule method is used to retrieve a schedule object from the server. In the first two variations, ApptCtrl is the control that is requesting the schedule. In the last two variations, Comp is the JvTFComponent that is requesting the schedule. SchedName and SchedDate specify the name (resource name) and date of the requested schedule.
If the schedule object is not already loaded into the server, the server will create the object and fire the OnNeedAppts event so that you may retrieve the appointment data from physical storage and add the appointments to the schedule.
If the schedule object is already present in memory, RequestSchedule will simply return a pointer to it.
Two variations include the LoadedNow variable which will be set to True if the schedule had to be loaded, False if it was already present in memory.
Use the ReleaseSchedule method to release a schedule object from a JvTFComponent or Control.

See Also



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