JVCL Help:TJvStringGrid.SortGrid

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Sorts the rows in the grid.


 procedureSortGrid(Column: Integer; Ascending: Boolean = True; Fixed: Boolean = False; SortType: TJvSortType = stClassic; BlankTop: Boolean = True);


Parameters Description
Column: Integer Specifies the index of the column to use for the sort.
Ascending: Boolean = True Indicates the sort order.
Fixed: Boolean = False Indicates whether to include the fixed rows in the sort.
SortType: TJvSortType = stClassic Specifies the comparison function.
BlankTop: Boolean = True Indicates whether to move blank cells before the sort.


Call SortGrid to sort the rows in the grid on the value of the string in the column specified by Column.
Set Ascending to True for an ascending sort, set Ascending to False for a descending sort.
Set Fixed to True to include the fixed rows in the sort. Set Fixed to False to exclude the fixed rows in the sort.
Set BlankTop to True to move the rows with blank cells at the column with index Column before the sort, and exclude them from the sort. If Ascending is True, the rows will be moved to the top of the grid. If Ascending is False, the rows will be moved to the bottom of the grid. Set BlankTop to False to include the rows with blank cells at the column with index Column in the sort.
SortGrid uses the comparison function specified by SortType. SortType can have any of the following values:

Value Meaning
stAutomatic The comparison function automatically determines the type of the strings when comparing two strings. If both strings represent an integer, floating-point value or a date, then the two strings are compared as integer, floating-point value or data, respectively. Otherwise the two strings are compared as string.
stClassic The strings in the sort column are sorted without case-sensitivity.
stCaseSensitive The strings in the sort column are sorted with case-sensitivity.
stNumeric A numeric sort is used. Every string in the sort column, that is included in the sort, must represent a floating-point value.
stDate A date sort is used. Every string in the sort column, that is included in the sort, must specify a date.
stCurrency A currency sort is used. Every string in the sort column, that is included in the sort must represent a currency value.


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