JVCL Help:TJvStringGrid.OnGetCellAlignment

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Occurs when the grid request the alignment of a cell.


 TGetCellAlignmentEvent = procedure (Sender: TJvStringGrid; AColumn, ARow: Integer; State: TGridDrawState; var CellAlignment: TAlignment) ofobject;
propertyOnGetCellAlignment: TGetCellAlignmentEvent;


Parameters Description
State Indicates whether the cell has input focus, whether the cell is selected, and whether the cell is a fixed (nonscrolling) cell.
CellAlignment Specifies the alignment for the cell specified by the ACol and ARow parameters. If you don't alter CellAlignment the cell is aligned as specified by Alignment.
ARow Indicates the row index of the cell that loses the input focus.
Sender The grid that has fired this event.
AColumn Indicates the column index of the cell that loses the input focus.


Write an OnGetCellAlignment event handler to provide the grid with an alignment for a specific cell. Set the CellAlignment parameter to the alignment for the cell specified by the ACol and ARow parameters. CellAlignment is set to the value of property Alignment, so if you don't alter CellAlignment, the cell is aligned as specified by Alignment.
OnGetCellAlignment is fired just before the cell is drawn, or if the user calls GetCellAlignment.

See Also

TJvStringGrid.Alignment, TJvStringGrid.GetCellAlignment


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