JVCL Help:TJvOwnerDrawViewerOptions.MultiSelect
JVCL Help: TJvOwnerDrawViewerOptions.MultiSelect Property
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Determines whether the user can select more than one element at a time.
propertyMultiSelect: Boolean;
Set MultiSelect to True to allow the user to select multiple items. If MultiSelect if False, multiple items cannot be selected in the list box at the same time. MultiSelect allows users to select multiple non-sequential items. It also allows users to select a range of items in one operation. To select non-sequential items, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the items. To select a range of items, select the first item, hold the Shift key and select the last item. When MultiSelect is True and multiple items are selected, the value of the SelectedIndex property, which indicates the index of the selected item, is the index item that was selected first.
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