JVCL Help:TJvInspectorTMethodItem
JVCL Help: TJvInspectorTMethodItem Class
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Event (TMethod) item.
TJvInspectorTMethodItem = class(TJvCustomInspectorItem);
TJvInspectorTMethodItem is an inspector item that allows editing of event types. The item provides methods to specify the list of allowed event handlers and instances. You are not limited to published methods, you can provide any accessible method, even protected methods if you use the class cracking technique.
In addition the item provides properties that control the way the events are displayed. You can specify to show no instance names, all instance names or all but the first instance names. You can also specify the order of the event handlers.
- To specify that instance names are to be shown, set the ShowInstanceNames property to True.
- To specify that the first instance name should not be shown, set NoShowFirstInstanceName toTrue in addition to setting ShowInstanceNames to True.
- To specify that the event list should be sorted by instance, set SortInstances to True.
- To specify that the events of the first instance should show first regardless of any sorting, setKeepFirstInstanceAsFirst to True.
- To specify that the event list should be sorted by method name, set SortMethods to True.
- Use AddInstance to add to a handler instance (such as forms and data modules).
- Use AddMethod to add a handler to an instance.
- Optionally in addition to or instead of the above AddInstance/AddMethod, assign an OnGetValueList event handler to provide additionally selectable handlers.
TJvCustomInspectorData registers this item for the TMethod (event) type.
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