JVCL Help:TJvInspectorPropData.NewByNames

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Instantiate one or more data instances and attaches (an) item(s) to it.


 classfunctionNewByNames(constAParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem; constAInstance: TObject; constNameList: arrayofstring; constExcludeList: Boolean = False; constTypeKinds: TTypeKinds = tkProperties): TJvInspectorItemInstances;


Parameters Description
const AParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem The parent to which this data should be added.
const AInstance: TObject TObject instance that provides the property values.
const NameList: array of string List of property names (case insensitive). The ExludeList parameter determines if this is a list of properties to allow or disallow.
const ExcludeList: Boolean = False When set to True, NameList is a list of properties to ignore. Otherwise, NameList is the list of properties to add.
const TypeKinds: TTypeKinds = tkProperties Type of properties to add.


NewByNames instantiates one or more new data instance with the given parameters. If the data referred to by the given parameters already exists, the item will be attached to that data instance, instead of creating a new data instance. It is possible that with some parameter values no items are generated, which will result in an empty dynamic array.


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