JVCL Help:TJvInspectorColorItem.Create@TJvCustomInspectorItem@TJvCustomInspectorData

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Instantiates a new inspector item.


 constructorCreate(constAParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem; constAData: TJvCustomInspectorData); override;


Parameters Description
const AParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem Parent item to which the new item is to be added. This can never be nil
const AData: TJvCustomInspectorData The data instance to assign to this item. For category items, this should be nil.


Create instantiates a new inspector item and adds it to a parent item. You should almost never need to create an instance of TJvCustomInspectorItem. In addition, except for the category item, there should be no need to create an item directly. Usually you create a data instance which in turn will create an instance of a proper descendant.


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