JVCL Help:TJvHTMLParser.OnKeyFoundEx

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Event handler signaled when a defined HTML tag is encountered during parsing.


 TJvKeyFoundExEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Key, Results, OriginalLine: string; TagInfo: TTagInfo; Attributes: TStrings) ofobject;
propertyOnKeyFoundEx: TJvKeyFoundExEvent;


Parameters Description
OriginalLine Line of text containing the HTML tag.
TagInfo Storage allocated for the HTML tag definition.
Attributes Attribute names and values found in the HTML start tag.
Sender Object generating the event notification.
Key Name associated with the HTML tag.
Results Textual context for the HTL tag.


OnKeyFoundEx is a TJvKeyFoundExEvent property that represents the event handler signaled when a defined HTML tag is encountered during parsing.
OnKeyFoundEx is signaled in the AnalyseString method after HTML tags have been parsed from the HTML Content for the parser component. OnKeyFoundEx is fired for each value stored in list of parsed tags in TagList, and includes the arguments described in the list of Parameters.
Use the OnKeyFound event handler to respond to tags that do not include attributes with values in the HTML tag.
Applications must assign a procedure to the event handler to allow responding to the event notifications. If an event handler is unassigned, the event notification is not performed. If both event handlers are assigned, both events are fired for each HTML tag in the TagList.
Use the Parser property or the AddCondition method to define HTML tags recognized during parsing operations using the parser component.

See Also

TJvKeyFoundEvent, TJvHTMLParser.AnalyseString, TJvHTMLParser.TagList, TJvHTMLParser.Parser, TJvHTMLParser.AddCondition, TJvHTMLParser.OnKeyFound


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