JVCL Help:TJvCustomStaticText.HotTrackFontOptions

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Specifies how changes to the Font affects HotTrackFont.


 propertyHotTrackFontOptions: TJvTrackFOntOptions;


HotTrackFontOptions defines a set of options that controls how changes to the Font property affects the HotTrackFont object. For example, when HotTrackFontOptions includes hoPreserveColor, all property changes in Font are copied to HotTrackFont except Color changes.
Note that hoFollowFont must be included for any properties to be copied at all.
To implement the HotTrackFontOptions property in a new control, you should perform the following steps:

  • Add JvTypes and JvJVCLUtils to the uses clause of the control's unit.
  • Add a HotTrackFontOptions property of type TJvTrackFontOptions to the control. Set its default value to be DefaultTrackFontOptions (defined in JvTypes).
  • Set the default value in the constructor.
  • Add a handler for the CM_FONTCHANGED message. Add a call to UpdateTrackFont (defined in JvJVCLUtils) after calling inherited.
  • Add a call to UpdateTrackFont in SetHotTrackFontOptions

See Also

TJvCustomStaticText.HotTrack, TJvCustomStaticText.HotTrackFont


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