JVCL Help:TJvCustomRichEdit.OnURLClick
JVCL Help: TJvCustomRichEdit.OnURLClick Event
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Occurs when the user clicks the mouse when the mouse pointer is over text that is a link.
TRichEditURLClickEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; const URLText: string; Button: TMouseButton) ofobject;
propertyOnURLClick: TRichEditURLClickEvent;
Parameters | Description |
Button | Identifies the mouse button the user used to click the text. |
URLText | Specifies the text with the link attribute the user clicked. |
Sender | Rich Edit control that has fired this event. |
Write an OnURLClick event handler to respond when the user clicks the mouse when the mouse pointer is over text that is marked as a link. Text that is marked as a link typically identifies a range of text that contains an URL. Applications can handle the OnURLClick event by For example starting a browser to view the location identified by the URL as specified by parameter URLText.
To set or unset the link attribute for a section of text, select the text and use the Link property of the rich edit control’s SelAttributes property.
If you set AutoURLDetect to true to enable automatic URL detection, the rich edit control automatically sets the link attribute for modified text that it identifies as a URL.
Example: procedure TForm1.JvRichEdit1URLClick(Sender: TObject; const URLText: string;
Button: TMouseButton);
if Button = mbLeft then
ShellExecute(Handle, nil, PChar(URLText), nil, nil, SW_SHOW);
See Also
TJvCustomRichEdit.AutoURLDetect, TJvTextAttributes.Link
Rich Edit 2.0
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