JVCL Help:TJvCustomRichEdit.OnQueryAcceptData

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Occurs when the user performs an paste operation or drags an object to the rich edit control.


 TRichEditQueryAcceptData = procedure (Sender: TObject; const ADataObject: IDataObject; var AFormat: TClipFormat; ClipboardOperationKind: Cardinal; Really: Boolean; IconMetaPict: HGLOBAL; var Handled: Boolean) ofobject;
propertyOnQueryAcceptData: TRichEditQueryAcceptData;


Parameters Description
Really Indicates whether the drag-drop is actually happening or if it is just a query.
IconMetaPict Specifies a global memory handle to a metafile picture (TMetaFilePict) to display in place of the OLE object's default icon.
Handled Returns true if the event handler performs the operation, false if the rich edit control should continue with its default processing.
ClipboardOperationKind Description for this parameter
Sender Rich Edit control that has fired this event.
ADataObject The data object being pasted or dragged.
AFormat Specifies the format to use.


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See Also

TJvCustomRichEdit.OnDragAllowed, TJvCustomRichEdit.OnGetDragDropEffect, TJvCustomRichEdit.OnQueryAcceptData


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