JVCL Help:TJvCustomRichEdit.InsertFormatText@Integer@string@TFont

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Inserts formatted text at a specific position.


 procedureInsertFormatText(Index: Integer; constS: string; constAFont: TFont = nil); overload;
procedureInsertFormatText(Index: Integer; constS: string; FontStyle: TFontStyles; constFontName: string = ; constFontColor: TColor = clDefault; FontHeight: Integer = 0); overload;


Parameters Description
Index: Integer The cursor position where the text will be inserted. If Index < 0, the text is inserted at the current SelStart position.
const S: string Specifies the string to insert.
const AFont: TFont = nil Specifies the font to use. If AFont = nil, then the current attributes at the insertion point are used.
FontStyle: TFontStyles Description for this parameter
const FontName: string = Description for this parameter
const FontColor: TColor = clDefault Description for this parameter
FontHeight: Integer = 0 Description for this parameter


Call InsertFormatText to insert formatted text at the cursor position given by parameter Index.

See Also

TJvCustomRichEdit.AddFormatText, TJvCustomRichEdit.InsertGraphic



This procedure does not reset the attributes after the call, i.e if you change the text color it will remain that color until you change it again.

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