JVCL Help:TJvCustomListBox.DefaultDragOver

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Handles a drag over event.


 procedureDefaultDragOver(Source: TObject; X: Integer; Y: Integer; State: TDragState; varAccept: Boolean); virtual;


Parameters Description
Source: TObject The object being dragged.
X: Integer Horizon screen coordinate of the mouse in pixels.
Y: Integer Vertical screen coordinate of the mouse in pixels.
State: TDragState Specifies how the dragged object is moving over the control.
var Accept: Boolean Specifies whether to accept the dragged object.


DefaultDragOver is called whenever the user drags an object over the list box, and no OnDragOver handler is specified. You can call DefaultDragOver in an OnDragOver event handler to let the list box handle the drag over event in a default way.

See Also

TJvCustomListBox.CreateDragImage, TJvCustomListBox.DefaultDragDrop, TJvCustomListBox.DefaultStartDrag,


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