JCL Help:TWideStrings.CommaText

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Lists the WideStrings in the TWideStrings in system data format (SDF).


 public property CommaText: WideString;


CommaText gets or sets all the strings in the TWideStrings object in a single comma-delimited string. Strings in the list that include spaces, commas or quotes will be contained in double quotes; any double quotes in a string will be repeated. For example, if the list contains the following strings: Hell,o 1 Hel"lo 2 Hello 3 Hello4 CommaText will return: "Hell,o 1","Hel""lo 2","Hello 3",Hello4 To assign CommaText, create the string as SDF formatted text. The SDF format specifies strings are to be separated by commas or spaces and optionally enclosed in double quotes. Double quote marks that occur within the string are repeated to distinguish them from the quotes that surround the string. If a space or comma occurs within the string, the string must be enclosed in double quotes or the space or comma will be treated as a delimiter. To indicate an empty string, enter two commas next to each other. Spaces that appear next to another delimiter are ignored (white space). For example, suppose CommaText is set to: "Hel,lo 1", "He""llo 2" , Hello 3,Hello4 The list will then contain: Hel,lo 1 He"llo 2 Hello 3 Hello4



Mike Lischke


Description is copied from VCL helpfile. Rewrite to avoid cp issues!!! BLW - Check rewrite

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