JCL Help:TSearchEngine.FindFirst@PWideChar@SizeInt@SizeInt@SizeInt

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Finds the first occurence of a search pattern.


 public function FindFirst(const Text: WideString; var Start: SizeInt; var Stop: SizeInt): Boolean; virtual; abstract; overload;
public function FindFirst(Text: PWideChar; TextLen: SizeInt; var Start: SizeInt; var Stop: SizeInt): Boolean; virtual; abstract; overload;


Parameters Description
const Text: WideString Text to be searched.
var Start: SizeInt Start index of match if the function returned True, otherwise undefined.
var Stop: SizeInt End index of match if the function returned True, otherwise undefined.
TextLen: SizeInt Length of text (available only in the PWideChar version).

Return Value

True is the pattern provided in FindPrepare was found in the Text parameter, False otherwise.


FindFirst finds the first occurence of the pattern passed to FindPrepare in Text and returns True if one could be found (in which case Start and Stop are set to the according indices) otherwise False. This function is in particular of interest if only one occurence needs to be found.

See Also




Mike Lischke

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