JCL Help:TJclFileMappingView

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Implements a file mapping view object.


 public TJclFileMappingView = class(TCustomMemoryStream);


TJclFileMappingView implements the view for a filemapping object. Do not construct objects of this class directly, instead use the TJclCustomFileMapping.Add method. A TJclFileMappingView object can be used to read from and write to a specific area in a filemapping. You can create multiple views including ones that overlap. The Operating System guarantees that multiple views remain coherent as long as they are created from the same filemapping object. Standard Win32 view objects provide an abstraction to manipulate a file as if it were a block of memory using pointers. TJclFileMappingView takes this a bit further by allowing you to use the familiar TStream interface to manipulate the view. If you so desire you can still use the 'memory' directly by using the Memory property.






Wim De Cleen

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