JCL Help:TJclCustomFileMapping.Open

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Creates an instance of TJclCustomFileMapping and opens a filemapping object.


 public constructor Open(const Name: string; const InheritHandle: Boolean; const DesiredAccess: Cardinal);


Parameters Description
const Name: string Name of the filemapping object to open. If no filemapping object with the specified name exists, the function raises an exception.
const InheritHandle: Boolean Specifies whether the filemapping object's handle can be inherited by child processes. DesiredAccess=Specifies the desired access to the filemapping object. This can be one of the following values - Specifies the desired access to the filemapping object. This can be one of the following values:


The Open constructor creates an instance of TJclCustomFileMapping and attempts to open the named filemapping object. If the specified object does not exist the constructor fails by raising an exception.



Wim De Cleen

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