JCL Help:TJclAppInstances.SendString

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Sends a string to all instances.


 public function SendString(const WindowClassName: string; const DataKind: TJclAppInstDataKind; const S: string; OriginatorWnd: THandle): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const WindowClassName: string The class name of the Window to send the data to.
const DataKind: TJclAppInstDataKind User defined value to identify the type of data being send. Note that you cannot specify AppInstDataKindNoData (defined as -1) as this parameter.
const S: string The string to send.
OriginatorWnd: THandle Handle of the window from which the message is send.

Return Value

If the function succeeds it returns True, otherwise it returns False.


SendString sends a string to all instances of this application. The string is send using a WM_COPYDATA message directed at the window whose classname equals the WindowClassName parameter.

See Also

TJclAppInstances.SendData TJclAppInstances.SendStrings



Petr Vones

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