JCL Help:TExprSimpleLexer.NextTok

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Skips the current token and gets the next token.


 public procedure NextTok; override;


This method is called by Reset (and thus implicitly by Create), so it doesn't need to be called to get the first token in the stream.
This method does the following jobs:

  • Skips whitespace
  • Determines token type from the first character after whitespace has been skipped
  • Reads in the rest of that token, based on the first character, possibly refining the token type based on further characters. For example, if '<' is read on the input stream, the token could be etLessThan, etNotEqual ('<>') or etLessEqual ('<=').

After a call to this method, CurrTok will give the current token type, and TokenAsString and TokenAsNumber will give extra information as appropriate for the token type.



Barry Kelly

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