JCL Help:StringsToPCharVector@PAnsiCharVector@TJclAnsiStrings

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Converts a stringlist into a PCharVector.


 function StringsToPCharVector(var Dest: PCharVector; const Source: TStrings): PCharVector;
function StringsToPCharVector(var Dest: PAnsiCharVector; const Source: TJclAnsiStrings): PAnsiCharVector;


Parameters Description
var Dest: PCharVector On return receives a pointer to the PCharVector.
const Source: TStrings String list to convert to a PCharVector.

Return Value

The value placed in Dest to allow using the function on parameter position.


A PCharVector is an array of PChar's where each PChar points to a null terminated string. The array is delimited by a nil (NULL) pointer. In the Windows API this is usually typed as a PPSTR. This function takes a string list and builds a PCharVector from it. The memory allocated to store the PCharVector must eventually be released by the caller, preferably using FreePCharVector.

See Also

PCharVectorToStrings PCharVectorCount FreePCharVector





Marcel van Brakel

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