JCL Help:StringsToMultiSz@PAnsiMultiSz@TJclAnsiStrings

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Converts a stringlist to a list of null terminated strings.


 function StringsToMultiSz(var Dest: PWideMultiSz; const Source: TJclWideStrings): PWideMultiSz;
function StringsToMultiSz(var Dest: PMultiSz; const Source: TStrings): PMultiSz;
function StringsToMultiSz(var Dest: PAnsiMultiSz; const Source: TJclAnsiStrings): PAnsiMultiSz;


Parameters Description
var Dest: PWideMultiSz PChar receives a pointer to the resulting string.
const Source: TJclWideStrings List of strings to pack into a single string. This list may not contain empty items (items with the value ) or an EJclStringError is raised.

Return Value

On success the function returns the value of Dest. If the function fails to allocate memory for the result string it (implicitly) raises an EOutOfMemory exception. The caller is responsible for releasing the memory pointed to by Dest.


StringsToMultiSz concatenates the strings in Source into a single PChar string, terminating each individual string with a NULL character and the last string with a double NULL character. For example, if Source contains the items 'Project', 'JEDI' and 'Rules' Dest will point to a string with the contents 'Project#0JEDI#0Rules#0#0'

See Also

MultiSzToStrings FreeMultiSz





Marcel van Brakel

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