JCL Help:StrToStrings@AnsiString@AnsiString@TJclAnsiStrings@Boolean

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Converts a string into a list of strings using the specified separator character.


 procedure StrToStrings(S: string; Sep: string; const List: TStrings; const AllowEmptyString: Boolean = True);
procedure StrToStrings(S: AnsiString; Sep: AnsiString; const List: TJclAnsiStrings; const AllowEmptyString: Boolean = True);


Parameters Description
S: string The string to split into elements.
Sep: string The string that separates the individual elements.
const List: TStrings A TStrings derivative that receives the individual elements.


StrToStrings converts the supplied string, which supposedly is a list of strings packed into a single string variable, to a TStrings. The function uses the supplied separator string to separate the string into its individual elements.
For example, if you call the function like this: StrToStrings('Project JEDI Rules', ' ', List) then on return list will contain three items, namely 'Project', 'JEDI', and 'Rules'. As this example shows, the last string doesn't have to be terminated by the separator string although it is allowed.

See Also






Anthony Steele


The list will be cleared by this function before adding the elements.

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