JCL Help:StrScanW@PWideChar@WideChar

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Scans the specified string for an occurrence of Chr.


 function StrScanW(const Str: PWideChar; Ch: WideChar): PWideChar; overload;
function StrScanW(Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar; StrLen: SizeInt): PWideChar; overload;


Parameters Description
const Str: PWideChar The string to scan for an occurrence of Chr.
Chr: WideChar The character to scan for in Str.
StrLen: SizeInt Maximum number of characters to scan.

Return Value

Pointer to the first occurrence of Chr in Str or nil if the specified character does not occur in Str.


Scans at most StrLen characters in the specified string for an occurrence of Chr. The comparison between Str and Chr is case-sensitive. Caller is responsible for ensuring that StrLen never exceeds the length of the strings. The overloaded routines without the StrLen parameter scans the string until it finds the character or the end of the string. You should prefer the routine with the StrLen parameter because it is much faster.

See Also

StrPosW StrRScanW





Mike Lischke

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