JCL Help:StrMatch@AnsiString@AnsiString@SizeInt

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Returns the index of the first character in a specified sub-string that occurs in a given string.


 function StrMatch(const Substr: string; const S: string; Index: SizeInt = 1): SizeInt;
function StrMatch(const Substr: AnsiString; const S: AnsiString; Index: SizeInt = 1): SizeInt;


Parameters Description
const Substr: string The sub-string to search for. May contain wildcards.
Index: SizeInt = 1 The index in Str at which to start the search.
Str The string in which to search.

Return Value

One-based index of the first character of SubStr in Str or 0 if SubStr does not occur in the supplied string.


StrMatch returns the index of the first character in a specified sub-string that occurs in a given string. The search starts at the supplied index and is case-insensitive. The specified sub-string may contain wildcards. The '?' wildcard matches 1 character while the '*' wildcard matches 0 or more occurrences of a character. For example, 'J?DI' will find 'JEDI', 'JZDI' and 'JODI' (and more) while 'J*I' will find 'JEDI' and 'JI'.

See Also






Azret Botash


The '*' wildcard currently doesn't work correctly, it produces the same result as '?'.

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