JCL Help:SetFileCreation

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Sets the file's creation time stamp.


 function SetFileCreation(const FileName: string; const DateTime: TDateTime): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const FileName: string The name of the file for which to set the time of creation.
const DateTime: TDateTime The date and time to set the file's creation stamp to. You must supply the UTC based date and time. To convert from a local date and time use the LocalDateTimeToDateTime function from JclDateTime.

Return Value

If the function succeeds the result is True, otherwise it's False.


SetFileCreation sets the specified file's creation timestamp to the supplied datetime. This routine cannot be used to set the creation timestamp of a directory. See SetDirCreation for that.

See Also

SetFileLastWrite SetFileLastAccess GetFileLastAccess GetFileLastWrite GetFileCreation





Marcel van Brakel

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