JCL Help:SHGetMem

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Allocates memory using the Shell's memory allocator.


 function SHGetMem(var P: Pointer; Count: Integer): Boolean;


Parameters Description
var P: Pointer Pointer variable which returns the address of the allocated memory block
Count: Integer Size, in byte, of the block of memory to allocate.

Return Value

If the function succeeds it returns True and P contains the address of the allocated memory block. If the function fails then it returns False and P will be set to nil.


SHAllocMem allocates the specified amount of memory using the Shell's memory allocator. If the allocation succeeds then P is set to point to the allocated memory and the return value will be True. You should assume that the memory contains random values. On failure, P retains its value and the return value will be False.

See Also

SHAllocMem SHFreeMem





Marcel van Brakel

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