JCL Help:SHDllGetVersion

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Reads version information from the specified file.


 function SHDllGetVersion(const FileName: string; var Version: TDllVersionInfo): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const FileName: string The fully qualified path name of the file for which you want to retrieve version information. Most likely the name of a shell DLL. If the DLL can be found on the search path then the filename is sufficient (for example Shell32.dll does not have to include the path).

Return Value

If the function succeeds the return value is True and the Version record is filled with the version information. If the function fails the return value is False and the Version record contains whatever it contained on entry.


SHDllGetVersion attempts to read version information from the specified file using the well-known DllGetVersion exported function. This function is exported by all the newer Windows shell related DLLs starting with shell version 4.71. FileName should be the fully qualified name of the file for which to return version information. If the function succeeds then the result is True, otherwise the result is False and the Version record contains garbage.

See Also






Marcel van Brakel


Record which is filled with version information if the function succeeds. See TDllVersionInfo

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