JCL Help:RegLoadList

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Reads a stringlist from the registry.


 function RegLoadList(const RootKey: DelphiHKEY; const Key: string; const ListName: string; const SaveTo: TStrings): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const RootKey: DelphiHKEY The rootkey to read the list from, one of the HKEY_XXX constants.
const Key: string The key (path) to read the list from, relative to RootKey.
const ListName: string Name of the subkey relative to Key to read the list from.
const SaveTo: TStrings List of the items to load from the registry.

Return Value

The function returns True if a list with at least one element is read in. If 'Items' does not exist the function throws an exception.


RegLoadList reads a list of strings from the registry which was stored with RegSaveList. The function expects to find a DWORD value named 'Items' under the key "RootKeyKeyListName" and reads in the amount of entries stored therein.

See Also

RegSaveList RegDelList





Robert Marquardt

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