JCL Help:RegGetKeyNames

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Reads a list of key names from the registry.


 function RegGetKeyNames(const RootKey: DelphiHKEY; const Key: string; const List: TStrings): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const RootKey: DelphiHKEY The rootkey from which to read, one of the HKEY_XXX constants.
const Key: string The key (path) where the desired value list is located, relative to RootKey.
const List: TStrings On exit, this string list will contain the names of the values. The caller is responsible for creating and destroying this list.

Return Value

If the function succeeds it returns True. If it fails it returns False. Failure is normally caused by either a nonexistent key or insufficient permissions on Windows NT. No subkeys gives success not failure.


RegGetKeyNames returns a list of the specified key's subkeys. The string list is cleared before the values are added.

See Also

RegGetValueNames RegHasSubKeys





Peter Friese

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