JCL Help:PeImportedLibraries

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Returns a list of all libraries an image imports.


 function PeImportedLibraries(const FileName: TFileName; const LibrariesList: TStrings; Recursive: Boolean = False; FullPathName: Boolean = False): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const FileName: TFileName Filename of the image for which to retrieve an import list.
const LibrariesList: TStrings Receives the list of imported libraries.
Recursive: Boolean = False If False the function only includes direct imports. If True the function includes indirect imports as well (library A imports library B which in turn imports library C and therefore library A indirectly imports library C).
FullPathName: Boolean = False Determines whether the list of libraries includes the full path of the image files.

Return Value

If the function succeeds it returns True, otherwise it returns False. In the latter case the contents of the list is undefined.


PeImportedLibraries returns a list of all libraries which the specified image imports (implicitly links against).





Petr Vones


This function preserves the contents of the libraries list.

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