JCL Help:PathCompactPath

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Compacts a path to fit within the given pixel width.


 function PathCompactPath(const DC: HDC; const Path: string; const Width: Integer; CmpFmt: TCompactPath): string;


Parameters Description
const DC: HDC Device context used for retrieving font metrics. This should be the canvas on which you eventually intend to display the compacted path.
const Path: string The path to compact or truncate.
const Width: Integer Width, in pixels, that the path will be forced to fit within.
CmpFmt: TCompactPath Determines which part of the string is replaced with an ellipsis. Valid values are: cpCenter, cpEnd

Return Value

The compacted path or an empty string if the function fails.


PathCompactPath compacts, or truncates, the path to fit within the given pixel width by replacing part of the string with an ellipsis (...). The specified device context is used to retrieve the font metrics which determine how a string maps to a pixel width. Note the existence of two overloads allowing you to pass in either an HDC or TCanvas (descendant). The TCanvas overload simply delegates the work to the first overload passing in Canvas.Handle for the DC parameter.





Marcel van Brakel






If Width is smaller than the most compacted path then the result is the most compacted path, even though it does not fit within the specified width.

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